WOW thanks guys...I have already
sold a few pieces. Had no idea my blog would be a great marketplace. So I am listing a few other items that I am selling...
Greenish Blue Matching Vintage stools.
SOLDOriginal fabric good condition has wheels.
Burke Saarinen Style Chairs $450 set of 3.
Good condition, all swivel, red velvet cushions are worn but no stains.
Small Moroccan side table.
SOLDNo chips or cracks. Newly painted in light blue.
About 16" H x 9"W.
Yellow and Red Vases (large size) $45pair.
No chips or breaks.
Jonathan Adler Sheet set $100.
King set, called Brocade Chocolate.
Still in the package never been used.
Black and Red wallpaper. $75.
4 rolls never been used still in plastic.
Groovy Blue wallpaper. $100.
5 rolls still in plastic, never been used.
Email me directly if you are interested in buying any of the items. I will accept paypal for out of state buyers, cash to LA locals. Thanks!
Will post more in the next couple days.