Don’t be ashamed to admit that you loved/love Baz Luhrmann’s 1996 version of Romeo and Juliet. We all did/do. There is a time to save face and renounce everything you thought was cool in 1996, but that time isn’t now. You can now finally succumb to your full blown crush on Leonardo DiCaprio, I won’t tell a soul.
[image above, clockwise from top left: pistol blow dryer,abalone chandelier $1900, Guinevere cross $1980, angel wings $18, knobs $12+, gate headboard $1348, beeswax candles $11+, rose hair clips $20, satin quilt $318, compact $9, Mary statue $136]
Without a doubt, my favorite part of the movie is still the Capulet vs. Montague southern California split. The Montagues sport Hawaiian shirts and loaf around the beach all day, while the Capulet’s flair for the dramatic has them spilling blood in style. Rooms are flooded with candles and it’s hard to escape the religious iconography that pervades every scene, but why would you want to? When it comes to Romeo and Juliet, you need to just embrace the mid-nineties. Preferably while time warping to the sound of The Cardigans in your parents car.
[image above, clockwise from top left: beach umbrella $9,vintage Hawaiian shirt, vintage billiard balls $48, radio $298, watch $38, belt buckle $17, ring $24, rosary bracelet $800, cobalt bottle, beach chair $115, candy cigarettes $16]
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