Amadeus, I bow, humbled, before you.
trumeau mirror $675, plymouth stripe and vine wallpaper, wall sconce $187, parasol $50, wig $30, boudoir rouge $15, louis xvi chaise, heels $120, tapestry pouch $56, candlesticks $28 each, vase $20, cameo $28, hair elastic $45.
This post is more of an “Amadeus Lite” or Living In: The first half of Amadeus before sh*** gets crazy. The second half of the movie hits me in the gut, hard. So I ignored it while pulling together this post. Let’s pretend Wolfie and Stanze Mozart made lots of money and lived happily ever after, okay?
-amy m.
see’s chocolates $9, bacchus wallpaper, sword $255 each, resin antlers $128, schoenhut baby grand $1300, bergere chair, cakestand $50, mirror $110, Cardiff tea set teapot $50 & cup $18.
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