I recently came across a chic "Lifestyle Designer" named Maria Gabriela Brito.
Maria is originally from Venezuela and her firm is in the Big Apple (New York
City.) She gave up a corporate law career to do what she loves which is art,
interiors, shops and showrooms.
She helps clients in not only designing their home spaces but also tutoring them
about wine, how to purchase art and finding an individual sense of style. (It doesn't
hurt that she's married to a Brazilian wine aficionado.)

I especially liked her choice in art in her own home.

And what she's done for other clients. Love the image on the
wall and the Union Jack chair. As many of you know, I'm a
sucker for the Union Jack and art that features the Queen... And
no I'm not English .

I love how she has pops of color in the room but it's not
overwhelming either and still keeps its sense of poshness
(probably not a word but oh well.)

Definitely can't afford that bag but it certainly makes for a great photo shoot.

Love the scarf.

I'm a magpie at heart so I have to say
the shoes definitely caught my eye.

As with most New York condos, the kitchen is not large but
the space is used cleverly while still leaving one side open
so it still feels airy. Very functional.
Love her outfit in this photo! Super Chic, although
it's not what the main point of the photo is...

Another fantastic choice in art work.

This looks like a homey and lived in room.
The wallpaper is a lot of fun.
Hope you enjoyed a taste of Maria's style
and gleaned some ideas for yourself.

If you are interested in seeing more New York spaces, I highly
recommend this magazine which I subscribe to: New York Spaces.
I have a link to Amazon so you can find information about the magazine
but I would not recommend buying it from Amazon. For some odd reason
the subscription fee on Amazon is unusally high. You can usually get a
subscription for much less (I don't remember exactly but in the $10-$15
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